What does the future home look like? This project envisions the home as a mechanical learning organism 3D printed from local materials, that can sustain itself off-grid.
We premiered it at the Chicago Ideas Festival and won the People's Choice Award at the AIA Film Challenge.
This short documentary has accrued over 185,000 views on Vimeo.
This short documentary documents conversations with community leaders and experts in the fields of sustainability, resiliency, and community-engaging architecture. The purpose of these series of conversations was to engage different sources of knowledge in the design of a building typology that is not only sustainable and resilient but can also help regenerate the environments that it inhabits. The project is a response to the social and climatic needs of the moment, and the contemporary context of automation and open source architecture.
The short film features talks with leaders from Earth Day Initiative, the Leonard DiCaprio Foundation, Omnidian, Urban Planning Institute, Transcare, WeWork, Sweetwater Foundation, Civic Projects, Lugar Comun Patria Nueva, SugarHill, Illinois Tech, Pratt Institute, Forum For The Future.
Featured in Architect Magazine, Digital AIA National, AIA Film Challenge, Civic-Projects, Le360, Digital, LesEco, AlAhdath Lmaghribia, Challenge Magazine.

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